The study aims to identify the physical conditions of primary schools in the Middle East. The sample of the study consisted of five countries: Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria. Countries were selected through the sample of intent, and the studier adopted the descriptive analytical approach in making comparisons between countries by relying on the examination of information from all available sources to form a broad and reliable database in order to reach the goal of the study. By covering four objects: safety, health, services and the aesthetic aspect. Turkish primary schools have achieved fairly acceptable results in terms of health, services and public safety, while there have been some shortcomings in the aesthetic and organizational aspect of schools. The level of public safety was poor in Iranian schools, and aspects of services, health and aesthetic did not produce satisfactory results. In the same context, Egyptian primary schools have not achieved good standards of safety, health and aesthetic, in the same time, there have been shortcomings in terms of public services. As for Saudi schools, rented schools have been the weak point in the Saudi school structure, as these schools do not meet the physical requirements for school construction. Syrian primary schools have faced deficiencies in aspects of public services.
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