C. F. Akinnubi


The study assessed noise pollution and perceived health challenges among residents of Lagos State. This study specifically assessed the noise pollution situation, various causes/sources of noise pollution, perceived health challenges and measures to achieve good and healthy environment. The study areas were selected using purposive sampling technique. One hundred and fifty female respondents and one hundred and fifty male respondents making a total of 300 respondents were selected with accidental sampling technique. Self-designed questionnaire, well validated and subjected to reliability of test re-test method at 0.89 co-efficient which was deemed fit for the study was used. The data collected were exposed to appropriate descriptive and simple percentages. The findings of the study revealed that there were always heavy and constant noises around. Major ways the environment could be polluted were heavy traffic (traffic noise), religion home (e.g. churches and mosques), factories/industrial activities and power generating plants/generators. The perceived health challenges were insomnia/ sleep disturbance, hypertension/high blood pressure, loss of hearing, nervousness and lack of concentration and frequent headache. Measures that can be put in place for healthy environment were that the law enforcement should monitor activities of pollution, worship centres (religious home) around residential areas should be checked for loud noise and using of megaphone and the construction sites should be far from residential areas. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government should put in place laws and measures that will prevent siting of factories and industries in the residential areas and to provide constant electricity for all.


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assessment, noise pollution, perceived, health challenges, residents, Lagos state, environment

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