The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable reading comprehension test to evaluate the students' reading comprehension skills. The learning outcomes in reading in the Turkish Lesson Curriculum were taken into consideration in developing the achievement test and the test items were created based on these learning outcomes. A table of specifications was created to ensure the content validity of the test and two types of achievement tests, that is, narrative and informative achievement tests were obtained. Each test was administered to a total of 100 7th graders in Elazığ province. Some changes were made to the items in line with the item analyzes and expert opinions. By taking into consideration the content validity of the tests, the items with low discrimination and difficulty coefficients were identified and removed from the test. Based on the item analysis, two types of Reading Comprehension Test were obtained, that is, narrative and informative tests. The reliability of the achievement tests was computed using the Kuder-Richardson (KR-20) formula. The KR-20 reliability coefficients of RCTIT-1 (Reading Comprehension Test for Informative Texts), RCTIT-2, RCTNT-1 (Reading Comprehension Test for Narrative Texts), and RCTNT-2 were found to be .70, .70, .71, and .72, respectively. As a result of the study, a valid and reliable reading comprehension test to be used in evaluating the students' reading comprehension skills was obtained.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.3075
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