Fatma Karaman


Compulsory second foreign language phenomenon has emerged in Turkey in the near term. German was made compulsory as the second foreign language in Anatolian high schools in the academic year 2012-2013. As with the first foreign language teaching, there are also problems with the second foreign language teaching. The revealing of the problems in teaching German as a second foreign language from the perspective of the students, in line with the experiences of the students will provide concrete data. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine in Turkey the causes of positive and negative perceptions of high school students about German course through metaphors according to the high school type variable. To achieve this goal, the phenomenology method, one of the qualitative research approaches, was used. The research group of this study consists of 308 students studying in different high school types in Muğla province in the second semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. The data of this study were obtained from five types of schools: Social sciences, science high school, Anatolia, vocational and technical, private high school. While the most negative categories developed regarding the German course are seen in the social sciences high school; positive categories, on the other hand, were mostly developed in Tourism High School. The perception of Atatürk vocational and Technical Anatolian High School students, which is one of the five schools in which data are obtained, differs compared to other schools. As this school is a Tourism vocational high school, students studying in this school think that, unlike the other four high schools, German lessons are a necessary lesson and this language must be learned. On the other hand, four high school students stated that this lesson was not necessary and that there would be no loss for them. When a general evaluation based on the data obtained is made, the reasons for the negative perceptions of the students about the German course are, it can be said that it depends on the structure of the language, student-centered, teacher competence centered, exam system centered, and national language policy centered.


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second foreign language, German lesson, high school type, high school students, metaphor

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