Araromi Maxwell Olakunle


This study examines Socio Educative Activities, Language environment and Pedagogical approach as determinants of Students’ Proficiency in French language in Nigerian French Language Village, Badagry. The study adopted descriptive research design of correlational type. The population of the study was all University students in French Language Village, Badagry, Nigeria. 100 students were randomly selected from 2000 students in French Language Village Badagry, Lagos State. Twenty French language Lecturers were randomly selected from 30 Lecturers of French Language in French Language Village Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria. In all, a total number of 100 French language students and 20 French language Lecturers participated in the study. Four instruments were used in this study. These include: Questionnaire on Social Educative Activities (QSEA), Questionnaire on Students’ Attitude to Language Environment (QSALE), French Language Lecturers’ Classroom Practices Observation Scale (FLTCPOS) and Students’ French Language Proficiency Test (SFLPT). The findings show that majority of the students were highly proficient in French as their score fell between 60 and 98. The result indicates that students’ proficiency in French language had positive moderate and significant relationships with socio-educative activities. The result also shows that students’ proficiency in French language had positive high and significant relationships with lecturer’s pedagogical approach while it had positive low and non-significant relationship with attitude to language environment. The findings further revealed that the joint contribution of the three independent variables (Socio-educative activities, language environment and lecturers’ pedagogical approach) to students’ French proficiency was significant. The result indicates that the relative contribution of lecturers’ Pedagogical Approach was significant while the relative contributions of Socio-Educative Activities and attitude to Language Environment were not significant. It was therefore recommended that more emphasis should be placed on socio-educative activities and teacher pedagogical approach in order to enhance the foreign language proficiency of the learners of French Language.


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socio-educative activities, language environment, pedagogical approach, proficiency in French

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