With the foundation of the Republic of Turkey, the process of transition from empire to republic was experienced in an intertwined way with modernization efforts, and reconstruction in almost every field of life became obligatory. Education as a phenomenon that disciplines new generations and prepares them for the future took charge of being the locomotive of this transition process, and it was held as one of the basic issues in republican programs. Experts were needed to implement the improvement programs. For this reason, professionals who are experts in their fields should be invited to the country from abroad. The first name to come to the country was educational reformer John Dewey, just 9 months after the foundation of the republic. Addressing the physical and mental aspects of education as a whole, Dewey made examinations for two months and presented his recommendations regarding the Turkish education system as a report. This report, which constitutes one of the main reference points in the efforts of constructing the education system, was a source for many new practices including physical education and sports in the following years. In this study, the effects of John Dewey's education approach and philosophy on physical education will be examined by considering the reports he prepared.
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