Eric Len Kibinkiri, Bong Susan Bugnu


The life expectancy of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) who attend the treatment center of the Bamenda Regional Hospital has been of interest to many educationists. Coping strategies can have a relationship with their lifestyle. The argument for the study anchored on the attribution theory (Bernard Weiner, 1990), Lazarus’ Cognitive Theory of Stress (1966), the human ecological theory (1979). A cross-sectional descriptive survey research design with a mixed approach was used with a sample of 165 PLWHA who attend the treatment center of the Bamenda Regional Hospital. Data obtained were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Findings showed that there is a very significant and positive relationship between emotional approach coping and life expectancy of people living with HIV/AIDS (P<0.001). Similarly, findings on hypothesis two showed that there is a very significant and positive relationship between problem focus coping and life expectancy of people living with HIV/AIDS (P<0.001). Again, findings on hypothesis three showed that there is a very significant and positive relationship between engagement and disengagement coping and life expectancy of people living with HIV/AIDS (P<0.001). Lastly, findings on hypothesis four showed that that there is a very significant and positive relationship between meaning focus coping and life expectancy of people living with HIV/AIDS (P<0.001). The study concludes that coping strategies have positive effects on people living with HIV/AIDS. The findings recommend that, people living with HIV/AIDS should be encouraged to be resilient and agentic. This will help them to live well and increase life expectancy rate.


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coping strategies, life expectancy, HIV/AIDS, emotional approach coping, problem focus coping, engagement and disengagement coping and focus coping

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