Justina Uzoma Ama, Uche Grace Emetarom


Equipping Higher Education students with 21st century skills for future effective participation in the global economy is a call for proper attention on the skills needed by our 21st century students to effectively participate in the future and its global economy. The skills they learn should reflect the specific demands that is placed upon them in a complex, competitive, knowledge-based, information-age, technology-driven economy and society. This paper, therefore, discussed the learning skills of critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration and communication. It stated by explaining the meaning of skill. It then discussed the 21st century skill, defined Computer and Technological skills and the Global economy as well as discussed, the importance of the 21st century skills. The paper ex-rayed how students can be equipped with the 21st century skills and the arguments for and against its teaching. The paper went on to make five useful suggestions for addressing the teaching of the 21st century skill. Finally, it concludes with a call for the inclusion of the 21st century learning skills in the curriculum of the higher educational institutions to improve the manpower preparation beyond Computer and Technological skills for future effective participation in the Global economy.


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skills, 21st century skills, computer and technology skills, global economy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.3136


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