The aim of the article titled "Why is it difficult to be different?" is to analyze the matter of “Living rights and educational rights of the disabled students”, which is hushed up although frequently witnessed in our living quarters, through a real life scenario. It also aims to emphasize that it is necessary to identify the responsible ones for the problems experienced by autistic students and their families and the situation caused by those who are reported in news in the printed media, and to point out enforcement of laws thereof. In this article, descriptive survey method was used as a method. The concepts of booing, autistic, student and scandal in Aksaray are discussed after searching for them in newspapers, websites and television news. As evidenced in the recent incident in Turkey, the lack of primary-school inclusive educational support in mainstream education services is a major drawback. The effects of the said drawback are amplified by the inadequate knowledge and experience of the teachers who are assigned therein regarding the education of children with disabilities, and their negative attitudes. The school principal and his assistant, who were responsible for the booing of autistic students in Aksaray, are dismissed from their administrative positions. Mukhtar, Director of National Education, Governor, and Minister of National Education may have difficulty to perform their duties with peace of mind and a clear conscience after this event. Thereafter, such events will happen again, but the officers will be worried about being dismissed.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i6.3138
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