In reality, teachers of mathematics, at times, demand students to share ideas or pattern of solution for a mathematical problem to the class. With this comes the need for students to write a draft of their ideas or answers first before they can relay them for the teacher’s affirmation and for classmates’ benefit from listening. This study explored the effectiveness Rough-Draft Talk (RDT) in strengthening students’ problem-solving skills in mathematics. A quasi-experimental research design was used in the study where two (2) intact classes were randomly assigned as the experimental group while the other was the control group. The experimental group was taught using RDT while the control group using the conventional teaching method. Findings revealed that students exposed to RDT performed better compared to those taught using the conventional method. The researcher recommends that teachers, curriculum developers and administrators are encouraged to use Rough-Draft Talk (RDT) to improve students’ problems solving skills in mathematics.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Alberto B. Felisilda, Dennis B. Roble

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