This study investigated the association between grade 6 learners’ personal, family and environmental factors and their performance in quarterly assessment of Alangalang I District, Alangalang, Leyte, Philippines for the 1st and 2nd quarters of School Year 2018-2019. This descriptive-correlational study was implemented to randomly chosen 250 grade 6 learner respondents of the District. Data were collected using a standardized questionnaire comprised of parts; personal, family and environment profiles and quarterly assessment test score for the first and second quarters of the reference period were gathered from the grade 6 Advisers of each participating school. Collected data sets were analysed using Minitab software for the descriptive and inferential statistical tests. The analysis revealed a highly significant direct association between personal and family factors and performance of learners in the quarterly assessments for the 1st and 2nd quarters of school year under review. The findings also indicated that learners’ performance in quarterly assessment needs substantial improvement which will need time, require considerable budget allocation and concerted efforts from school stakeholders. The study concluded that personal, family and environmental factors have direct and positive bearings on the learners’ performance in quarterly assessment. There is a need for and intervention scheme if improved learner’s performance in quarterly assessment is to be attained. Related studies may be further conducted considering other crucial variables not used in this study.
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