In this research, the effect of written self-disclosure's, on the positive and negative emotions of individuals has been investigated. The research was carried out with 8 people (1 woman, 7 men) residing in Giresun (Turkey) who agreed to participate in the research voluntarily. Participants first filled in the personal information forms provided by the researcher (in the researcher's office) and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule was used as the pretest. Immediately after these, the participants were left alone for the first written self-disclosure activity. The next 7 written self-disclosure activities were carried out by the researcher via phone calls while the participants were at their homes. After conducting 8 written self-disclosure activities in total, the participants were subjected to the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule once more as the post-test. The same schedule was reapplied as a follow-up test one month after the application was completed and the results were evaluated. The research was conducted in a pretest-posttest semi-experimental pattern (without any control group), and frequency, percentage and Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test were used for the analysis of the data. In this research, where the effect of written self-disclosure on the positive and negative emotions of individuals who have personal, emotional or physical problems that they have not been able to talk about with anyone for a long time, has been investigated, three main results have been obtained. The first result is that written self-disclosure has an effect on the negative emotions of individuals and "reduces the negative emotions". In addition, as the second result, it was observed that written self-disclosure has no effect on positive emotions. Lastly, based on the follow-up tests conducted one month after the study was completed, it was seen that the effect of written self-disclosure on negative emotions remained one month later as well, which was the third main conclusion of the research.
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