This paper looks at the human resource dynamics influencing performance of public secondary schools that were upgraded in Kenya. When they were upgraded, it was expected that performance of these schools would improve but analysis of data over the recent years showed fluctuation in performance. This paper therefore investigates the extent to which aspects of human resource provision and availability could explain the performance trend of eight upgraded national schools in Western region of Kenya. The study used a mixed method research approach with the target population the target population were 263 teachers and 8 principals from teachers in the 8 upgraded national schools. The sample size was 156 respondents purposively sampled for principals and heads of departments, while teachers were sampled using random sampling technique. Data was collected through observation checklist, interview schedule and questionnaire. The instruments were tested for validity and reliability through piloting in the extra county schools that were upgraded from county schools in the region. Data analysis was done using quantitative and qualitative measures. Research results showed that there was significant change (7.5%) in teacher staffing distribution in the above mentioned schools. analysis of data showed that to cover the human resource shortfall gap, schools employed teachers on contract basis. Despite the initiative taken by secondary schools to bridge the human resource shortfall, they did not post significant improvement in academic performance of their students in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations. The research concluded that human resource supply did not match the demand (number of enrolled learners) in upgraded national schools and this did not significantly impacted on academic performance (p>0.05). The paper recommends that Teachers Service Commission should post more teachers to upgraded national schools to match the curriculum standards. Moreover, schools’ boards of management need to provide opportunity for training and attendance of career development workshops by their teachers to improve their knowledge, skills and competencies in classroom instruction to meet the demands of globalised world.
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