Among the causes of poverty in developing countries is the poor state and quality of Higher Education in the nation’s education is the level of educational system. Higher Education is the level of education that improves and enhances the potentials of men and women. Education enhances the skills and competencies of a country’s work force for economic growth and sustainability. The paper enumerated some challenges to sustainable development which include lack of basic infrastructure, poor finance in education insufficient staff development activities to empower staff to transform curricular and pedagogy towards sustainable development, lack of quality control measures, incessant strike actions, etc. In view of these facts the graduates produced by the country’s tertiary education do not seem to be adequately prepared to take up their rightful positions in the society. Specifically, this paper recommended that higher education should be repositioned to take care of the inadequacies in the system. The paper recommended that government should play its fundamental role of providing an enabling environment, facilities should be made available to both teaching and non-teaching staff, there should be recruitment of the right teachers, students should be encouraged to make trips to see what their counterparts are doing and teaching should be more practical. This paper suggested that education for sustainable development can be achieved by planning and setting realistic goals, implementing comprehensive curricular to foster creativity that will improve the quality of its citizenry.
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