The aim of this study is to determine about the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) self confidence level of physics, chemistry, biology and science teachers and to analyze if the level of self–confidence changes according to gender, joining to a technological education before, branch, education level, worked institution and service period. Scanning method is used for the research. Working group of this research consists of 87 teachers from different institutions and branches. For data collection, “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Self–Confidence Scale (TPACKSC), which is adapted to Turkish from original scale by Graham, Burgoyne, Cantrell, Smith & Harris (2009) and tested for validity and reliability by Timur & Yasar (2011), is preferred. As a result of the study, it is stated that teachers’ TPACK level is very high. On the other hand, it is seen that self-confidence level of teachers joined to research does not have a statically logical (p>0.05) difference according to their sex, worked institution, joining to a technological education before and they have a statistical logical (p<0.05) difference related with the branch, service period and education level.
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