In the recent past, university students were confined to traditional educational technologies such as chalkboards, papers and textbooks for pedagogical purposes. Institutions of higher learning in Uganda have provided Internet services to students, increasing their access to global resources through surfing, downloading and obtaining electronic materials. Students’ use of technology as a university provision should be explored in order to establish and meet their needs more effectively. This study was conducted in Kyambogo University in Uganda, to explore the impact of students’ previous computer experience on use of the Internet. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 280 university students. The quantitative data, collected using a questionnaire, was analyzed descriptively using SPSS for frequencies, means standard deviation and cross tabulation. The qualitative data, collected using interviews, was analyzed using thematic analysis. The results corroborated each other, indicating a significant relationship between previous computer experience and students’ use of Internet. It was recommended that students be incentivized in order to develop positive attitudes towards use of e-technology; and learners be introduced to use of ICT at both primary and secondary levels of education.
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