The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between pre-service teachers’ scientific epistemological beliefs and their science teaching efficacy beliefs. A correlational research design was used. The sample consisted of 115 level 100 pre-service teachers (73 males and 42 females). The Students Scientific Epistemological Views questionnaire (SSEV) and the Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Inventory (STEBI-B) were used to collect the data. It was found that scientific epistemological views of pre-service teachers were availing as indicated by the overall mean above 3 (M = 3.58, SD = .49). The dimensions of methodological approach and scientific attitude (M =3.90, SD = .62) and nature of scientific knowledge (M = 3.54, SD = .58 were availing. However, the dimension of authority and accuracy of scientific knowledge (M = 3.23, SD = .68) was less availing. It was also found that pre-service teachers’ science teaching efficacy beliefs were low (M = 3.3, SD = .38).On the subscales, pre-service teachers’ Personal Science Teaching Efficacy (PSTE) was low (M = 2.99, SD = .44). However, their Science Teaching Outcome Expectancy (STOE) was high (M = 3.76, SD = .58). The results indicated that there was a significant positive association between scientific epistemological views and science teaching efficacy beliefs (r = .591, p < .01). Also, the scores of STEBI significantly predicted SSEV scores (R2 = .42, p = .01). Personal science teaching efficacy (PSTE) did not significantly predict scientific epistemological views (t = 2.441, p = .016). However, science teaching outcome expectancy (STOE) significantly predicted scientific epistemological views (t = 8.184, p < .01).
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