This paper attempts to examine the characteristics of EFL teachers in Slovakia, focusing on the most important qualities of language teachers. The main objective of this article is to discover which characteristics are important for the effective educational process with regard to EFL teaching as perceived by the Slovak EFL students and teachers. A convenient sample of teachers (n = 32) and students (n = 45) were selected to take part in this study. The research method that was employed to achieve the research objectives was the questionnaire-based survey. The obtained data were categorized under three groups: English subject matter, pedagogical skills and knowledge, and socio-affective skills and personality traits. Apart from highlighting the most important features of language teachers within the three groups, the study also offers some insight on items that were perceived differently by the students and teachers. Finally, the results are interpreted, conclusions drawn, and pedagogical implications are provided.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i9.3229
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