Stephen A. Ezenwagu, Eucharia Chinenye Okonkwo, Stanley U. Nnorom, Benignus C. Nwankwo


Tertiary education among other things contribute to national development through high level-relevant manpower training; develop and inculcate proper values for the survival of individuals and society: develop the intellectual capability of individuals to understand and appreciate /their local and external environments. This article is aimed at discussing innovative pedagogical methods, and best practices for assurance of quality in higher education in Nigeria. It equally highlights some challenges to academic quality assurance in the tertiary institution and this paper proffered some solution required by the universities to stamp out the challenges for future development. Academic quality assurance can be referred to as ensuring that all the processes involved in the instruction of students remain standardized at all times. This paper examines academic quality assurance and determines the general opinion on academic quality assurance in the tertiary institution. This paper found out that Education is regarded the world over as a very important tool for development.


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academics, quality assurance, tertiary institution, challenges and development

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Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen A. Ezenwagu, Eucharia Chinenye Okonkwo, Stanley U. Nnorom, Benignus C. Nwankwo

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