This paper investigated the conditions of service as correlate of teachers’ job performance in primary schools in Onitsha South local government area of Anambra state, Nigeria. The study was guided by four research questions and one hypothesis. The study employed survey research design. The area of study was Onitsha South local government area, Anambra state. The population of study consisted of all the 40 Head Teachers and 309 teachers in 40 primary schools found in Onitsha South local government area, Anambra state. The total population was 349. The sample size of the study consists of the 40 Head Masters and 180 teachers randomly selected through stratified simple random sampling method from the total population of 349. The total size for the study is 220. The researcher used a self-developed instrument for collecting the data for 20-item questionnaires titled, “Conditions of Service as Correlate of Teachers Job Performance in Primary Schools” (CSCTJPPS). The data collected were analyzed with descriptive statistics by mean statistics. The findings of the study showed that salary and promotion as conditions of services do not correlate with teachers’ job performance in primary schools in Onitsha South local government area of Anambra state, Nigeria. The study concluded that higher salary and promotion of teachers in primary schools can satisfy them but may not improve pupils’ academic achievement nor exert teachers to put more efforts in return to compensation for higher salaries. Also, regular increase of primary school teachers’ salaries may not worth the investment they made on the children. The study, therefore, recommended among other things: teachers should be motivated inwardly to teach and improving their job performance not only waiting to be driven by external forces such as salary, promotion, housing provision and as well as medical care. This will better improve the teachers’ job performance and pupils’ academic performance in primary schools, especially in the study area and Nigeria in general. Also, government of Nigeria and Anambra state should encourage teachers in primary schools through adequate conditions of service in other to upgrade education system and educational output.
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