James Mwangi Gathungu


Classroom instruction is subject to rational analysis by both the supervisor and teacher, during which, and to maximize positive outcomes, adherence to a model of instruction supervision is crucial. Of the many such models, clinical supervision has gained prominence in literature and use. However, the instructional supervisions practitioner may deemphasize the model’s cycle of phases and activities. This study used a non-experimental descriptive quantitative research design to find the extent to which field officers in education adhere to the cycles of phases and activities in their instruction supervision practices when guided by the clinical supervision model. Data was collected through questionnaires and interview schedule administered on secondary school teachers and education officers selected from Kiambu county, Kenya using simple random sampling. Qualitative data was organized into thymes and together with the quantitative data tallied, presented in tables and then analyzed in percentages and averages. The study found that field officers in education were low in fidelity when using the clinical model in their instructional supervision exercises. The study recommends in-servicing of serving teachers and field officers, intensifying training on instructional supervision and applicable of models among teacher trainees.


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clinical supervision, instructional supervision, field officers, phases of supervision, supervision activities

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