Ain Nur Amilia Md Yusof, Noor Hanim Rahmat


The success of an organization does not only rely on the rapid growth of their profits. Behind each success of the projects, there is a good relationship and cooperation between all members of the company. To ensure the work goes smoothly, communication is the vital key in achieving it. Without proper communication between the members of the company, the agreement while working cannot be accomplished. Therefore, this study aims to seek the various types of communications at the workplace. At the same time, this study investigates how the communication barriers affect the flow of communication and information at the workplace. A set of questionnaires was developed and distributed to employees in different companies. The questionnaire comprises different sections; demographic profile, the types of communications and the communication barriers. The participants contributed to this survey were in total of 31 respondents. The respondents involved had assessed the survey based on their personal experiences in their respective organizations. The results of the study showed that both verbal and non-verbal communications at the workplace played big roles in ensuring the smooth flow of the company. Other than that, the communication barriers at the workplace existed in which it could affect the growth of the company. Therefore, the findings of this study can help employers to be aware of the challenges and plan on how to overcome it. Recommendations for future research in this area are concluded at the end of this study.

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workplace, communication, barriers, verbal, non-verbal

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