Dian Septi Nur Afifah, Tatik Indiyah, Wiwin Dwi Winarti, S. Suharsono, Imam Sujono


Understanding is one of the aims of mathematics learning, though there are still many students who do not understand the material that they were studying. It indicates that there is a mistake they do in solving mathematics problems. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the types of errors made by students in solving mathematics problems in order to advance solutions. One of the approaches that can be used to identify the types of errors is the onto-semiotic, which is able to notice the meaning of mathematics object consists of language, concept, procedure, computation, proposition, and argument. The population in this study were students of STKIP PGRI Tulungagung, Indonesia. While the sample was students of the mathematic education study program. Data was collected through tasks and interviews. Data were analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The result showed that students’ error in solving the statistics problem based on onto-semiotic include an aspect of language (incorrect use of terms), concept aspects (incorrectly defining terms, incorrect example), procedural aspect (incorrect use of strategy), computational aspect (incorrect grouping), the proposition aspect (making false statement), and the argument aspect (wrong explanation of each answer). The mistake starts with the misunderstanding of the problem given because of the dominant error in terms of the concept aspect. Researchers recommend that the onto-semiotic approach is a solution for teachers and practitioners to anticipate the types of errors and how to deal with these errors during learning.

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students’ error, statistics problem, onto-semiotic approach, understanding

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