This paper discusses the effect of two leadership styles, namely: transformational and bureaucratic styles of leadership as practiced by head teachers on the quality of support supervision they offer primary teachers in Mid-western Uganda. The study arose as a result of public outcry over the poor quality and limited amount of support supervision teachers in primary schools in that region of the country are offered despite numerous attempts by Government to train school heads in institutional management. The researchers employed a descriptive cross-sectional survey research design where quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 320 teachers and 20 educational administrators using questionnaire survey and interview methods. The data were analyzed with the use of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques as well as content analysis method. The findings of the study revealed that both transformational (B=.365; p= .000) and bureaucratic (B =.250; p=.000) styles of leadership significantly affect the quality of support supervision that head teachers offer teachers. Overall, the study established that, together, the two styles of leadership (R=.671; R2=.45; Sig. =.000) account for 45 percent variations in the quality of teacher support supervision offered by head teachers, other factors notwithstanding. It was, thus, concluded that any leadership style head teachers employ that involves subordinates in decision-making or brings about change, would have a positive bearing on the kind of support supervision they can offer teachers; and therefore, the researchers recommend that school heads should be conscious of the choice of leadership styles they use while heading a school.
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