Kurt Özgür, Yeşim Fazlıoğlu, Varma Ecenur


The aim of this research was to expose the phenomena within the Preschool Values Education Programme mentioned in animated cartoons which preschool children (aged 4-5) mostly watched. In the research, the animated cartoons mostly watched by 71 pre-school children in five kindergartens that are socioeconomically and culturally different in Tekirdağ province were identified by asking them which animated cartoons they mostly watched. The animated cartoons mostly watched by preschool children were, respectively, Kral Şakir, İstanbul Muhafızları, İbi, Rafadan Tayfa, Arı Maya, Nilova, Maşa ile Koca Ayı, and Vikingler. Data collection was carried out by document analysis from qualitative research methods. Five episodes from each animated cartoon were selected randomly and watched, the values found in a total of forty episodes were examined, and as a result, the values mostly reflecting “politeness”, “greeting”, “cooperation and solidarity”, “affection”, “preserving one’s cultural heritage”, “friendship”, “courage”, “cleanliness”, “giving importance to family unity”, “doing good deeds”, “respect”, and “tolerance and sensitivity” were identified in the research. The other values were found to be “responsibility”, “integrity and honesty”, “empathy”, “diligence”, “sharing”, “hospitality”, “health awareness”, “optimism”, “compassion and mercy”, and “self-sacrifice.” In this direction, although the values within values education which were examined in the animated cartoons were found to suit the Preschool Values Education Programme, repetition numbers of values within animated cartoons were found to be quite low.

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animated cartoons; values education; values in preschool; preschool

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i11.3362


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