This research was conducted to determine the views of those who witnessed the Covid-19 pandemic regarding the epidemic process. The study group of the investigation consists of a total of 116 people of which 69 are female (59.5%) and 47 are male (40.5%). 61 of the participants (53.0%) are teachers, 50 participants (43.0%) are prospective teachers and 5 (4.0%) are academicians. The research was carried out within the scope of the phenomenology pattern which is one of the qualitative research methods. For the content validity of the questions in the interview form, the opinions of two experts related to the field were asked and necessary corrections were made in accordance with the suggestions received and the form was given its final shape. The data obtained from the participants of the research were analyzed by subjecting to descriptive analysis method. In the research, it was concluded that 40.6% of the participants learned about the Covid-19 pandemic on television and 59.4% on the internet; when 35.3% of them heard the first news about Covid-19, they did not take it seriously, 55.2% were a little worried, 9.5% were very worried; 11.2% of them were not affected by Covid-19 epidemic psychologically, 88.8% were affected more or less; 6.9% of them complied with Covid-19 epidemic measures loosely, 37.1% of them followed the rules quite well, 56% of them were in full compliance with rules; 0.9% of them could not maintain social distance at all, 11.2% could maintain it a little, 55.2% could protect quite a lot, 32.7% could fully protect; 0.9% did not pay attention to hygiene rules, 32.8% paid great attention, 66.4% paid full attention; 7% of them never changed their lives, 32.8% changed a little, 60.2% changed a lot; it did not negatively affect the future expectations of 22.4%, 62.1% of them had a little negative impact, 15.5% of them had a very negative impact; it did not affect their future expectations of 49.1% positively, and it positively affected their future expectations of 50.9%.
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