The purpose of this study is to determine conflict management styles of school administrators with regards to teacher perceptions. With this respect, 300 high school teachers working in Bartin constituted the study sample. The scale consisting of five dimensions and adapted into Turkish by Gumuseli (1994) was used as the data collection instrument. The dimensions of the scale are Integrating Style, Compromising Style, Accommodating Style, Dominating Style and Avoiding Style. The scale consists of a total of 28 items. According to the data of the study, teacher opinions about school administrators’ conflict resolution styles are at Sometimes level. Whether or not there are differences between the genders, educational status, year of service and professional duration in the school variables was examined. While there were no significant differences between groups concerning the gender and professional duration variables, there were significant differences for the educational status and years of service variables.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.341
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