Zhangtao Xu, Na Li, Bo Li


This study is to provide a better understanding of pre-service teachers’ knowledge of students’ mathematics learning through the rubrics of trigonometric function. Participants are 6 pre-service teachers from a level normal university. The method of TELT is considered in this study to analyze the factors which can have effect on their understanding. The results show that pre-service teachers always take for granted students’ learning and cannot predicate the possible difficulties during their learning and cannot grasp the keystone for breaking through difficulties. It because they cannot know the process of mathematics genesis and development and mathematics essence hidden in the formulas. The results also show that pre-service teachers cannot ascertain the students’ mistakes in cognition. And, without the proficiency of mathematics history, pre-service teachers cannot predict and understand students’ mathematics learning process.


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China mathematics knowledge, teaching mathematics, mathematical content, mathematical learning, student thinking / 中国数学知识;数学教学;数学内容;数学学习;数学思维

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