Yeşim Şölen, Yıldız Öztan Ulusoy


In this study, the perceptions of fathers with children in the preschool period towards the concept of fatherhood, a lifelong learning process, and father education after the father education they received, were examined. The study was carried out with a qualitative research method. The sample of the study consisted of 14 fathers who had children attending two kindergartens in Kocaeli in the 2018-2019 academic year and volunteering to participate in the study. Fourteen fathers in the group were interviewed after the training program was applied. As a result of the face-to-face interviews with the semi-structured interview form, what they expressed about fatherhood, how they expressed themselves as fathers in the lifelong learning process, and their thoughts on participation in father education were obtained. It is known that the father has a critical role in the formation of the child's personality. Father education should be given importance to raise happy and healthy individuals. Today, it has been observed that there is a transition from the patriarchal social structure to modernity, and the fathers' traditional thoughts have changed, and they have started to think more child-oriented. It has been revealed that fathers gain awareness after education and fatherhood is a conscious and learnable phenomenon when an effort is made.

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fatherhood, father education, lifelong learning

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