C. Girija Navaneedhan, T. J. Kamalanabhan


Emotional intelligence refers to the ability of an individual to understand the emotions of one’s own self and understanding the emotions of others. Whereas decision making is the ability of an individual to make wright choice not only at the time of distress as well as during day to day choices. Howard Gardner explained emotional intelligence is only one aspect of intelligence which is called as interpersonal and intrapersonal. According to him the multiple intelligence an individual possess collectively compliments one another in effective problem solving and decision making. In this paper the relationship between decision making and emotional intelligence is evaluated among learned population in general. In order find the relationship between emotional intelligence and decision-making, a survey was conducted among teacher sample (males and females) in the age group 25 to 55 years, average age =35.5, working in government as well as private schools in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The result of survey indicated that emotional intelligence plays a significant role in decision-making highlighting the role of feeling aspect of emotional intelligence in decision-making revealing the fact that teachers are to be more empathetic in their profession.

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emotional intelligence, distress, decision-making, interpersonal and intrapersonal

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i12.3429


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