Stephen A. Igboke


This study was designed to determine the best pedagogical strategies for online entrepreneurial education. This was considered important as the rate of unemployment among graduates is on the increase, notwithstanding the efforts of tertiary institutions in Nigeria to teach all students entrepreneurship. There are also graduates who were not exposed to entrepreneurship in addition to people who had no privilege of studying in any tertiary institution full time. Given the favourable developments in science and technology, online education has become popular. In order to carry out the study, four research questions were asked relating to strategies for preparing students for online entrepreneurial education; creating conducive online learning environment; strategies for monitoring student’s progress and student assessment and data evaluation. Four hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population consisted of fifty business teacher educators drawn from selected universities and colleges of education in Enugu and Ebonyi States of Nigeria. Data which were collected using a 52-item structured questionnaire were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test statistic. It was found, among others, that the 52 strategies were all accepted as effective strategies for online entrepreneurship education. There were no statistically significant differences in the mean responses of business teacher educators in the universities and those in the colleges of education on 47 of the strategies for online entrepreneurship education. It was concluded that the strategies are both relevant and appropriate for effective online entrepreneurship education. It was recommended that tertiary institutions and departments of business teacher education who offer online entrepreneurship education could apply the identified strategies.

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pedagogical strategies, online entrepreneurial education

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