Bernice Yawa Tsitsia, Samuel Kwasi Kabbah, Valence Doyi, Saviour Kofi Kabe, Peace Safo


The study examined students’ perceptions on the impact of online learning in the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive survey design was used. The study was conducted on level 100 student-teachers in three colleges of education (Accra, E. P. Amedzofe, and Peki), affiliated to the University of Ghana with a total population of 802. The calculated sample size was 325 on 4.2% margin of error with 95% confident level. A self-designed survey questionnaire, containing the background information, and five scaled Likert-type questions grouped on the variables of: home factors; teaching-learning and supports; and impacts of the online learning on students. The instrument was pilot tested on 50 student-teachers and later administered to the participants. The Cronbach alpha reliability check on instruments was 0.75 indicating the consistent reliability of the instrument. In all, 335 participants responded to the questionnaire. Descriptive data analysis was carried on with the Jamovi Statistical Data Analysis (JSDA) tool. Results revealed that students’ E-learning are being distracted mostly by home related factors. The high cost of internet data and unstable internet connectivity were among the trending issues of concern to most students on the E-learning. The study recommends the consideration of blended teaching in the Colleges to prepare students in both physical and virtual classrooms experiences. Further, the colleges are urged to use common Learning Management System (LMS) to manage cost and internet data usage.

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colleges of education, E-learning, face-to-face/traditional, student-teachers, COVID-19

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Copyright (c) 2020 Bernice Yawa Tsitsia, Samuel Kwasi Kabbah, Valence Doyi, Saviour Kofi Kabe, Peace Safo

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