This study is an assessment of the management strategies for curbing examination malpractices in Secondary Schools in Abia State, Nigeria, considering the persistence of examination malpractices in the educational institutions. Three research questions were raised to guide the study. A researcher constructed questionnaire titled, “Assessment of Management Strategies for Curbing Examination Malpractices Questionnaire’’ (AMSFCEMQ), was used in the data collection. A total of 560 teachers including principals, selected through proportional stratified sampling responded to the questionnaires administered. The reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient. The reliability value was 0.67. The results showed that all the five pre-examination malpractice curbing strategies identified were effective, such as, “the covering of syllabus by teachers”. Six out of seven strategies identified during the examination were effective, such as, “having adequate number of invigilators in the hall”. The post- examination malpractice curbing strategies found effective were five out of seven, such as “examiners ensuring that the total number of answer scripts tallied with the total number of examinees”. With the persistence of examination malpractices in Nigeria, despite the application of the identified effective strategies, it was recommended that stiffer penalties be pronounced as deterrent. These include increasing the number of years of de–registration of culprit centers and the finding of political will by government to fully implement Examination Malpractice Act 33 of 1999.
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