Muh. Kharis, Khilman R. Azmi, R. M. Ulya


The dynamics of South East countries in various aspects caused an acute illness called global anxiousness including in East Java, Indonesia. It caused a massive and systematic effect that is increasing year by year. The Researcher using counseling approach that is called Wisdom Oriented Counseling Approach (WOCA). It is supported by helper professionals such as counselors, psychologist, psychiatrist and also suicide gatekeeper like teachers, clerical and support staff, school nurse and custodial staff. This indigenous approach is oriented to a new way how to recognize suicidal sign and symptoms. Most of gatekeeper and helper feel to mechanistic in healing clients. WOCA has six steps in its treatment: (1) rapport establishing, (2) problem exploration, (3) problem defined, (4) developing the problem solution, (5) taking the decision, and (6) termination. This approach is oriented to helper’s and gatekeeper’s wisdom in facing suicide problems. Methodological of this research through mix method of psychological/counseling autopsy study based on qualitative interviews. Seven survivors of suicide caused by depressed were counseling by individual through WOCA during the three months treatment. The results of the treatment showed that the informants feel more hope fully life and optimism to coping their problem as caused of suicide.

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WOCA, indigenous therapy, suicidal rate

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