The practical results of current innovative methods and approaches which have been formulated based on Imperialism' theoretician theories are falling short of expectation in the present complicated competitive world’s circumstances: They are contributing to uncivilized detrimental-to-peace peasant societies. The present article, as such, gives a brief but to the point introduction to this researcher’s (Hosseini, 2000, 2020) seminal holistic revolutionary liberating didactic approach known as Competitive Team-Based Learning (CTBL) as a significant alternative to the present doomed-to-failure colonial educational approaches. Most importantly, it sheds light on this researcher's edu-political theories namely Cognitive Socio-Political Language Learning Theory and Multiple Input-Output Hypothesis based upon which he formulated CTBL. The article then seeks to throw into relief CTBL's distinguishing features and characteristics which make it a catalyst for transformation and change and elaborates howabouts of its contribution to the decline of the present Imperialist’s methods and approaches. The findings of some researchers on the effectiveness of CTBL as well as some significant suggestions to researchers, educators and educational policy makers have also found a place at the end of this article. CTBL is this researcher’s proactive sophisticated reaction to the social / political circumstances he and his family members along with the other marginalized/deprived communities are suffering from.
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