Abel Mulandi Muto


For efficacy in public funds utilisation, the procurement process needs to be regulated, hence the enactment of Public Procurement Regulations of 2015. Nevertheless, of late billions of tax payer's money in Kenya have been lost by Public institutions through cancellation of contracts, uncompleted projects and services not rendered. This study sought to assess the implementation of public procurement and disposal law on procurement process at Machakos University, Kenya. The study objectives were: to determine the Machakos University procurement staffs’ awareness on procurement regulations, professionalism on procurement process, ethical practices on procurement process and the level of stakeholders’ involvement on procurement process. The study sought to fill the lacuna in the Kenya procurement literature as to whether ratification and application of the PPAD Act, 2015 has had influence in the procurement practices in the institutes of higher learning. Theories relevant to this study were the Agency theory and the Institutional theory. The study targeted a population of 86 procurement staff and members of consumer departments. A sample of 50 participants was selected using both purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Data collection tools were questionnaires and interview schedules. The study used mixed methods and employed the concurrent triangulation research design which enabled the researcher to use more than one design to cross-validate, confirm and corroborate findings. Data analysis was performed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study concluded that availability of procurement manual, staff in service training and ICT integration to the procurement process had a statistically significant influence on compliance to the principles and protocols governing public procurement process. The study recommends further research on the inherent nature of poor concept application due poor knowledge.


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public procurement, disposal law, procurement process

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