İsmail Polatcan, Zeki Coşkuner


This research aims to identify the sports consumer profile of university students in Turkey. Sports Consumer Scale (SCS) was practiced. The Sports Consumer Scale consists of five sub-dimensions and 31 items. Parametric analyses were performed on the obtained data by using SPSS 22.0 package program. To identify the level and direction of the relationship between dependent variables, “Pearson correlation analysis” was conducted. There was a significant difference in the opinions of university students in Turkey in terms of gender and sports (p<0.05). In the correlation analysis, it was determined that the strongest relationship was positively and at a very high level between “Brand sub-dimension” (r=0.824; p<0.001), “Participation sub-dimension” (r=0.828; p<0.001) and “Media sub-dimension” (r=0.750; p<0.001); and there was a positive medium-level relationship in the sub-dimensions of socialization (r=.59; p<.01) and entertainment (r=.52; p<.01).

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sports, consumer profile, consumption, university students

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