The purpose of this study was to conceptualize pre-service mathematics teachers’ responding to students’ ideas, one of the codes of Contingency unit of Knowledge Quartet, while teaching limit concept. The participants were four pre-service secondary mathematics teachers. The data were obtained from the lesson plans, the video records of the participants’ lessons, and the semi-structured interviews. When the data were analysed, the seven sub-codes of the pre-service teachers’ responding to students’ ideas were determined. These sub-codes were named as (a) repeating students’ ideas, (b) approving students’ ideas, (c) explaining and expanding students’ ideas, (d) answering students’ questions, (e) asking how students’ reached their ideas, (f) correcting mistakes in students’ ideas, and (g) ignoring students’ ideas. It is thought that these sub-codes would be helpful to examine pre-service mathematics teachers’ responding to students’ ideas in a detail way.
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