Hatice Nur Erbay, Ali Rıza Küpcü


The aim of this research is to examine how mathematics teacher candidates' expressions about what they noticed in videos changed with video-clubs. The study group consisted of 5 teacher candidates studying in the 4th grade of Mathematics Education Department. The data of the study, which used focus group interviews that one of the qualitative research methods, consisted of students' notes while watching the videos and focus group interview video recordings. For the analysis of the data, content analysis that is one of the qualitative data analysis methods was used. Changes in the ways in which teacher candidates expressed the situations they noticed during the meetings were examined separately. It has been determined that teacher candidates’ expressions change according to the teacher they see in the video. If the teacher candidates like the teacher on video, they will use a more affirmative language, if they do not like the teacher in the next video, they will suddenly become critical and judgmental.

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teacher noticing, video club, mathematics teacher candidates

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