Candan Özer


Hereby with this study is designed with the intent of development, implementation and evaluation of peer education program towards individuals with special requirements. Program has importance in terms of being a model to studies of program development and evaluation studies on education of peer consultants. Fifteen students who were received education in a state-funded primary school have been chosen for this study. These students mentioned have participated peer education program prepared by the researchers. At the end of the program, the researchers have held a marbling training with participant students and their friends on the purpose of gathering more detailed information on the efficiency of the program. Qualitative data has been analysed through descriptive analysis. Quantitative data gathered during the study made possible to reveal percentages and frequencies. It has been concluded that the program is quite beneficial with regards to let the students have a baseline level of knowledge of peer education. The observations had been made during marbling art training reveal that students have reached the achievements of the program. It is suggested that providing in-service/pre-service training about peer education to teachers so as to benefit from the peer potential in inclusive education and preparing more longer-term and more comprehensive programs for the education of peer consultants.

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peer education, inclusive education, programe evaluation

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