This study investigated student teachers' perspectives on their experiences at the Joyce M. Huggins Early Education Center (Huggins Center), a university (ECE) laboratory (lab) school. The researcher examines whether or not training in a high quality, accredited ECE lab school assists students enrolled in the credential program, ECE option to grow professionally in learning to apply ECE theory to classroom practice. Sixteen student teachers were placed in ECE classrooms (infant, toddler, and preschool) at the Huggins Center. Prior to their experience, and after their placement, students completed a 10-item survey to determine if their student teaching experience met their expectations. The researcher also observed the students during student teaching. Their work, including a class presentation, written reflections and other assignments were also analyzed to look at their implementation of quality ECE practices in their teaching at the lab school such as: design of project activities, parent involvement, and use of documentation. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis, results of the project The University Laboratory School: The Benefits of Quality Practices show that the student teaching experience provided at the ECE lab school was highly effective in helping student teachers achieve experience with NAEYC standards and yielded positive outcomes for the student teachers. An aspect that requires more attention is the student teachers’ need for more feedback from classroom teachers to enhance their preparation for teaching.
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