Terminology, as a system of specific terms is an integral part of every field of knowledge, science, and production activity, but linguistics deals with the identification, procession and the codification of relevant terms within a terminological system. As a concrete field of study, terminology is related to the study of specialized terms used in science, technology, culture, art, medicine. In this paper, we will bring valuable innovation to the development of linguistic terminology and it is observed the ways of building linguistic terms, especially those used in the Albanian language textbooks of primary and secondary education in II-IX grades. Based on these textbooks, but also on the theoretical contributions of native and foreign terminologists it is highlighted the diversity of forms and ways in which linguistic terms are formed, the place they have in our textbooks divided by the relevant disciplines, classes in which they are used and the age of learners. In this paper are considered the most productive tools that provide language scientific terms, classified per its subsystems. This paper also displays valuable scientific contribution to the development of global terminology in general and the Albanian terminology.
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