This study examined students’ malfeasance acts, consequences and administrative approaches in public secondary schools, Delta State. It was guided by four research questions and four hypotheses. The study design was ex-post-facto of the descriptive survey technique. A sample of 238 was selected from a population of 476 principals in Delta State secondary schools applying stratified sampling method. Instrument entitled ‘Students’ Malfeasance Acts, Consequences and Administrative Approaches Questionnaire (SMACAAQ) was utilized in the study and its validity was established though face and content validity. Data gathered were analysed with the use of mean rating, standard deviation, ranking and t-test at significance level of 0.05. Findings revealed that perpetual lateness to school, inviting their friends to create conflict in school, oppressing fellow students, coming to school with dangerous weapon were some profiles of malfeasance acts in public secondary schools, Delta State. Letting students know the consequence of malfeasance acts on their academic achievement and society, use well-behaved students to give example, let students know the rewards for being well-behaved were some administrative approaches to curb students’ malfeasance acts in public secondary schools, Delta State. It is recommended that upon admission, students should be issued a handbook which contains rules and regulations of the school, this will help students understand what constitute malfeasance behaviour and avoid them. Orientation should be organised for students from time to time where they will be informed on consequence of malfeasance acts on their academic achievement and society at large.
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