The study aimed to examine the effect of personality trait (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience), gratitude and gender on life satisfaction on 209 CIBI (Cerdas Istimewa dan Bakat Istimewa) students (92 male and 117 female) from Senior High School 2 at South Tangerang, Province of Banten. They completed Brief Multidimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS) which measures life satisfaction, Big Five Inventory- Kurzversion which measures trait personality and The Gratitude Questionnaire-Six Item form (GQ-6) which measures gratitude. Sampling technique that used in this research is non-probability sampling. This study examined the validity of measurements by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), while data analysis used regression analysis technique. The results revealed that there was a significant effect of personality traits, gratitude and gender on life satisfaction of CIBI children at 30,8%. It means that the proportion of variants of life satisfaction in CIBI students can be explained by personality traits, gratitude and gender 30,8% and 69,2% explored by other factors. More specifically, extraversion, conscientiousness, gratitude and gender variables had a positive and significant influence on CIBI students’ life satisfaction. The other side, Neuroticism had a negative and significant influence on CIBI students’ life satisfaction. Meanwhile, agreeableness and openness to experience did not have a significant effect on life satisfaction of CIBI children.
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