This research is based on the value of purification of Protestant religious reforms that are closely related to the purification of the purification of Minangkabau patterns of behaviour that are far from Islamic values and Minangkabau cultural customs. The purpose of this study is to explain the clearing of behaviour patterns and minimize conflict through the application of ABS SBK in Minangkabau people's lives. The study used literature studies by finding facts based on the results of research from several journals and articles. The results showed that (1) To purify the pattern of behaviour of ABS SBK in the form of the existence of religious and customary leadership in the efforts to apply the value of ABS SBK in the life of Minangkabau people; and (2) To purify the minimize conflicts in the lives of Minangkabau people in the form of muscular religious and indigenous stakeholders who support each other in realizing the value of ABS SBK in Minangkabau people's lives.
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