Yasin Cam, Kemal Aydin


In this study, the economic and social problems faced by Syrian students who were forcefully migrated to Turkey and studied in Osmaniye Ata University were examined. Many people who immigrated to Turkey due to the civil war that began in Syria in 2011 and were children in those years have started their university education today. The problems faced by Syrian asylum-seeking students studying at universities in the city of Osmaniye in their ability to meet their vital needs, sources of income, participation in education and adaptation processes were examined. The data of the study was obtained through in-depth interview and survey work, then analyzed through a statistical package program. As a result of the study, it was observed that Syrian students studying at Osmaniye Korkut Ata University faced many different economic problems in the city of Osmaniye where they lived. Many problems that Syrian students experience in their educational lives are financial, and financial concerns directly affect their social lives. In addition, it was revealed that as their stay in Turkey extended, they may experience anxiety about resettlement when they are sent back to their country.


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Syrian students, urban space, education, economic and social problems

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