Evaluation is centrally concerned with the making of value judgments. In the school setting, evaluation underpins the teacher’s development of curriculum activities, his/her selection of instructional objectives in his/her day-today lesson planning and choice of materials and methods by which to judge the progress of his/her students. Evaluation enables the teacher to make appropriate decisions about his/her on-going classroom activities and to plan future activities more purposefully and effectively in the light of his knowledge of the progress of his/her students. Appropriate decisions, however, depend upon correct judgments and these in turn can only be derived from adequate instruments and applications of knowledge glean as a result of training to become a teacher. This paper discussed the evaluation of student-teachers by supervisors who go the practicing schools to supervise the would-be-teachers (student-teachers) in order to ascertain that the would-be-teachers are putting into practice the theories and methods learnt; as well as an examination process to assess teaching effectiveness to grade the student-teachers. It was recommended that the assessment of student-teachers should be done by both the cooperating teacher (mentor) from the practicing school as well as the visiting supervisor from the training institutions as this is not currently the case.
Article visualizations:
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Maduewesi, B.U. and Azubike, N.O. (2011) Introduction to Practical Teaching, Onitsha: West and Solomon Publishing Ltd
Okorie, J.U. (1979) Fundamentals of Teaching Practice. Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishers.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.388
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