Shorah Ahmad Aljarabah, Mohammed Y. M. Mai


This study aimed to examine the influence of multiple intelligence-based learning on the development of creative thinking for ninth-grade students in Abu Dhabi private schools. This study used a quasi-experimental design. Also, this study used a control group (30 students) and an experimental group (30 students) of ninth grade students from private schools in Abu Dhabi. The two groups were selected randomly. The instruments used were pre and post-tests in creative thinking skills. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, ANCOVA and t-test. The findings revealed a significant difference in the creative thinking post-test mean score after controlling for the effect of pre-test between both groups. The experimental group (M = 82.97, SD = 9.98) exceeded the control group (M = 61.20, SD = 15.85) after controlling the effect of the pre-test of creative thinking on both groups, F (1, 57) = 38.31, p = .000. The t-test revealed that there was a significant effect for gender in the elaboration skill (post-test), t (28) = -2.12, p = .043, with females (M = 22.50, SD = 1.95) receiving higher scores than males (M = 20.25, SD = 3.53). In conclusion, the findings reveal the influence of multiple intelligence-based learning on the students’ creative thinking skills.  


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multiple intelligence, flipbook, critical thinking skills, social studies

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