This qualitative study clarifies opinion of 32 European volunteer youth leaders on concepts of competence, fewer opportunities and enlargement strategies on competence of fewer opportunities. Leaders underline main competencies as follows: tongue, languages, mathematical, digital, learning, social, entrepreneurship, cultural. Key competences are those which all individuals need for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment (Figel, 2007). The key competences are all considered equally important, because each of them can contribute to a successful life in a knowledge society. According to leader, fewer opportunities mean; obstacles can prevent such young people from having access to education, to mobility, to participation. All leaders agree with the non-formal education which is base for development of competence of fewer opportunities. Non-formal education may be one of them, especially – but not solely – for young people with fewer opportunities (Strenner, 2006). Leaders have lack of knowledge on dimension of non-formal learning for fewer opportunities. Future studies should be conduct on approved techniques and strategies of development of competence of fewer opportunities young people. Especially experimental researchers are very important. European youth volunteer organizations such as SALTO should widen programs all around the Europe. Today’s world reality makes volunteer non-formal education obligatory.
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