Aims: As a part of university education, college English teaching in private universities is important. The aim of this article is to conduct a survey about the English teaching in these private universities, trying to find out the problems in teaching and learning of English in these private universities, and analyze the deep reasons behind these problems, based on the teaching and learning of English at a university in Beijing.
Study Design: This research has been undertaken both from qualitative (mainly from related theories and researches) and quantitative studies (including questionnaire survey, and interviews with teachers and students). The qualitative study could give a basic understanding about the teaching and learning of English conditions in private universities, while the quantitative research was aimed at getting precise statistics which could be used for evaluating whether the results from qualitative study were right or wrong. Data collection involved several research methods, such as document analysis, questionnaire survey, and interviews with teachers and students. Then, a deep analysis of the data was conducted to find out the problems existing regarding college teaching of English at a private university and to analyze the reasons behind these problems. Finally, the author suggested some solutions to solve these problems.
Methodology: 1) Document analysis: the author could not come into contact with all private universities’ administrators to investigate this research and the author then turned to analyze their published papers in order to find out teaching and learning of English conditions in private colleges. 2) Interviews: the author interviewed some teachers and administration-related people about the English teaching and learning in a Beijing private university. 3) Questionnaire: the author conducted a questionnaire survey among 200 students about their satisfactory level on their teaching and learning of English.
Results: Although private universities have made great improvements in teaching and learning of English, problems (such as unclear teaching objectives, the lack of scientific teaching methods, the shortage of advanced teachers, and students lacking in study motivation) still exist.
Conclusion: We can solve these problems through the related theories and work together with the related people.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.394
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